Comic Book Cats, number seven: Sovereign Seven #7

Comic Book Cats, number seven: Sovereign Seven #7, penciled by Dwayne Turner, inked by Chris Ivy, written by Chris Claremont, letter by Tom Orzechowski, and colored by Gloria Vasquez & Rob Schwager published by DC Comics in January 1996.

I spotlighted Chris Claremont’s Sovereign Seven in a couple of Comic Book Coffee entries. It was a fun series, so I’m happy to take another look at it.
In this issue Finale of the Sovereigns is caught in the middle of a struggle between international mercenary Marcello Veronese and his fugitive quarry. Pursuing the sword-wielding fugitive, Finale enters a doorway, only to find herself in the Crossroads Coffee Bar & Inn on the opposite side of town. Crossroads once again lives up to its name, serving as a portal to different places, dimensions times. Greeting the stunned Finale is Lucy the cat, who is apparently dressing as Supercat for Halloween.
I purchased the original artwork for this page from Chris Ivy at New York Comic Con in 2015. The close-up panel of Lucy on the original really demonstrates Ivy’s very detailed and delicate inking.

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