Introducing the first spinoff series in Sean Murphy’s White Knight universe! Two years have passed since Azrael wiped out Gotham’s most formidable villains in Batman: Curse of the White Knight. The Joker is dead, Bruce Wayne is behind bars, and Gotham is still only beginning to redefine itself in a world without Batman. In the wake of it all, Harley Quinn is officially off-duty, struggling to cope with the loss of her closest confidants as she improvises her lonely and hectic new life as a single mother to the late Jack Napier’s twins. Against this unstable new ‘normal,’ the stage is set for Gotham’s next criminal uprising. From the shadows, a visionary and elusive mastermind called the Producer is seizing this opportunity to assemble a colorful crew of villains and make his mark on the city.
written by Sean Murphy and Katana Collins
Art by Matteo Scalera
Color by Dave Stewart