Dejah Thoris Vol. 2: Dejah Rising! preview

Dejah Thoris Vol. 2: Dejah Rising!

writer: Amy Chu

artist: Pasquale Qualano

cover: Diego Galindo

FC  |  120 pages  |  $19.99 |  Fantasy/Sci-Fi  |  Teen+ 

Before John Carter there was still… A Princess of Mars.

Tardos Mors, Jeddak of Helium, sends Dejah Thoris on a scientific mission to chart air currents and atmospheric density tests. But Dekana Lor, Headmistress of the Royal Academy of Helium, hints at a second secret mission to the princess. And who is this handsome Red Martian prince and why is he suddenly part of the team?

From Amy Chu (Poison Ivy, Red Sonja) & Pasquale Qualano (Guardians Of The Galaxy: Gamora’s Galactic Showdown!)

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