REVIEW: Secondary Superheroes of Golden Age Comics

TITLE: Secondary Superheroes of Golden Age Comics
WRITER: Lou Mougin
ISBN-13: 978-1476675138
PRICE: $75.00
SUMMARY: When Superman debuted in 1938, he ushered in a string of imitators–Batman, Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, Captain America. But what about the many less well-known heroes who lined up to fight crooks, supervillains or Hitler–like the Shield, the Black Terror, Crimebuster, Cat-Man, Dynamic Man, the Blue Beetle, the Black Cat, and even Frankenstein? These and other four-color fighters crowded the newsstands from the late 1930s through the early 1950s. Most have since been overlooked, and not necessarily because they were victims of poor publication. This book gives the other superheroes of the Golden Age of comics their due.
COMMENTS: “In an age where a person’s attention span is limited to reading headlines for their news, knowing one’s history is becoming a distant memory that is soon forgotten. Thankfully in the comic book industry fans and professionals embrace their history.
In the moment, when, what we now consider history was actually being made – what resonated with the public and inspired future generations was not always what we, today, are familiar with.
Marvel and DC dominate the industry today, but that was not always the case. The publishers that should be credited with the foundation that comics now sit on, for the most part, are not even publishing these days.
Secondary Superheroes of Golden Age Comics by Noted author and comic journalist Lou Mougin explores those golden age publishers and the amazing things they did, the groundbreaking comics they released, and the stories behind both that made the industry what it is today.”

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