7 Most Helpful Tips To Survive Your First Comic-Con

In operation for almost 50 years, San Diego’s Comic-Con has become a staple destination of any geek pilgrimage. In 2018, it attracted over 130,000 visitors. Is it finally your turn to become one of them?

If you’re going to Comic-Con for the first time, you need a Comic-Con Survival guide. Sure, maybe you’ve attended a different convention before. But the sheer amount of merch, events, and people make Comic-Con a completely unique and overwhelming experience.

Even on your last day of the event, it’s easy to become lost and disoriented. With these Comic-Con tips in hand, however, you’ll be in a better position to make the most of this unforgettable convention.

  1. Start With a Plan

There are too many sessions, panels, and celebrities for a single person to experience at Comic-Con. To make the most of the event, you’ll need to pick your battles. But that doesn’t mean you need an itinerary for every hour of the day.

Keep it simple and check out the Comic-Con schedule. Odds are, even the geekiest geeks won’t be familiar with more than a fraction of the panels. That should make it pretty easy to discover your main interests.

You can even create a schedule with the Comic-Con app or on the Comic-Con website.

Choose a must-see event or two to attend every day. Maybe you want more — and that’s fine — but there’s a good chance the crowd will beat you to it. Once an event room is filled, there’s nothing you can do to sneak in.

  1. Pack Your Bags

Comic-Con has over twelve hours of events each day. It might be tempting to leave most of the baggage at home, but there are some items you can’t go without.

You’ll get a swag bag on your first day, but it won’t go very far. You’ll still have too many goodies to carry by the end of the day. Bring a sizable backpacks for work and travel along with a sharpie for autographs, a folder for handouts, and a poster tube for artwork.

Before you enter the convention, pack your bags with some food items. Common congoers advise against waiting in line at the food center. Instead, bring some protein-rich snacks and convenient meals, such as pre-prepared sandwiches.

  1. Bring Some Cash

Yeah, there are some ATMs in the convention center. No, you shouldn’t use them. You’ll be waiting in line all day just to get some pocket money.

Stash a lot of cash with you before the trip, or find an ATM near your hotel. Some stalls are cash-only, though there are more vendors than ever that accept digital payment methods. Still, it’s good to be safe.

If you need some dollar bills for Comic-Con, you may want to take out a payday loan. Check out this resource to learn the difference between a personal loan vs payday loan.

  1. Stay Connected

Although the convention has wireless internet, the connection is spotty at best. There are some premium wi-fi hotspots available when you really need to stay plugged in. But when that fails, you might have to exit the convention center and find a local business for a more reliable wi-fi connection.

Be sure you set your phone to its vibrate setting. In the midst of Comic-Con, you won’t be able to hear your phone going off. Because of these connectivity issues, many people opt to hold pre-determined meetups.

  1. Find a Restroom First

Just use your hotel’s restroom before attending Comic-Con, even if you feel fine at the time. There are lines at event rooms, autograph booths, and even the restrooms. You don’t want to waste half an hour waiting for your turn.

But if you’re going to be at the convention center all day, it’s an inevitability. Look for a lull in your itinerary. When you’re between events, that’s the best time to head to take care of business.

  1. Be Sociable

It’s not all about the schedule. There are some great, once-in-a-lifetime panels. But remember that you’re in a convention filled with potential friends. Comic-Con attendees all share many of the same interests.

Since you’ll spend hours in line every day, there’s no better way to pass the time than to chat and meet some new people.

  1. Stay Healthy

Stuffing a hundred-thousand people in a single convention center presents a few hygiene problems. Although the “con crud” isn’t unique to Comic-Con, it’s something you need to watch out for. Without proper precautions, you might experience symptoms of the common cold once you return home.

Minimize the risk and bring some hand-sanitizer along for the ride. It’s indispensable, seeing as you’ll be trying to minimize your trips to the crowded restrooms.

As another defense, some people suggest boosting your immune system ahead of time. This could be something as simple as upping your Vitamin C intake. You should also take care to get plenty of sleep before (and hopefully during) Comic-Con.

Put These Comic-Con Tips to Use

Comic-Con is a celebration of all things geek. From talented cosplayers to crazed enthusiasm for things normally discussed only on niche websites, it can be a validating experience.

But even without these Comic-Con tips, you’re sure to have a great time. Just be sure to step out of the convention center when you need a break from the noise and hour-long lines.

Got your Comic-Con tickets? It’s never too early to prepare yourself. Book a hotel room in advance for the best prices, and remember to get your hands on some extra paper money so you don’t miss out on any collectible goodies.

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