Title: Zawa + The Belly of the Beast # 2
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Written/Illustrated/Colored/Lettered/Cover by: Michael Dialynas
Variant Covers by: Morgan Beem, Sweeney Boo, Jenny Frison
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.boom-studios.com
Comments: The Guardian Zawa if she were not so small and cute would be scary.
Thatch, Bandit, and Leo check out what they foraged or stole from a factory and it is not much but they did find their father’s cookbook.
Zawa may be this Guardian but what exactly does a Guardian do? Zawa is a guardian so she must protect the city. Its biggest threat is the Mayor. So Thatch ways Zawa to help her protect the city and make it a better place to live.
All the characters are sweet and lovable even this Zawa and the Mayor who is the villain. The story does flow along showing the characters and you can see a confrontation coming. The Mayor acts like he does care about the people yet it is easy to see he only cares about himself.
One character even resembles Charlie Brown. The menace of Zawa and the Mayor is silent. As the series goes on even though this is an all-ages comic their threat level will have to go up.
Thatch and Zawa are both wonderful characters.