Based on the erotic novella by Sheridan Le Fanu that inspired Bram Stoker’s vampire tale 26 years later, CARMILLA UNBOUND is for people who think Dracula would’ve been better if it had more lesbians and wasn’t so long-winded.
“1973” is a 26-page one-shot written by Nightmare Theater creators Clay Adams (Blazing Blade of Frankenstein, Red X-Mas, Deadskins, Prodigal Son) and D.E. Schrader (Baby Badass, Rafael Garcia: Henchman, Cannibals on Mars), edited by Malissa White (Nightmare, Soundbox, PanelxPanel) and featuring the art of Ismael Canales (Athena Voltaire, The Catch, Zenescope´s Robyn Hood and Belle), and colors by Alex Zief (Cult of Dracula, Hatchet, Monster Matador).
Pages: 26 pages
Book Type: One-shot, Single Issue Floppy
Book Size: 6.625 x 10.187 inches