Title: Bob Phantom # 1 (One-Shot)
Publisher: Archie Comics
Story by: James III
Line Art by: Richard Ortiz, Juan Bobillo
Coloring by: Glenn Whitmore
Lettering by: Jack Morelli
Main Cover: Tim Seeley with Matt Herms
Variant Cover: Jamal Igle
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Website: www.archiecomics.com
Comments: Walter Whitney is a news reporter. He is an old-fashioned reporter trying to make it in the modern world. He is a good man just doing his job the best way he knows how.
Now in this story, it is unclear what is imaginary and what is real. Walter though does have a vivid imagination. Fantasy and reality begin to blur here. Will Bob Phantom rise up out of Walter Whitney?
There is a mystery here as what is happening with Walter Whitney/Bob Phantom is unsure. This appears to be a new version of the character. The way the comic does not show you when Bob takes over from Walter is confusing.
Does Bob Phantom have the powers of the original? It is not stated or clearly shown here.
This issue has some action though it is quickly over and some of it you do not get to see.
Bob Phantom is not a flamboyant superhero. Is he really though?
Walter is a great person with a very likable personality.