Fan and Pro Nomination Categories
* Best Cartoonist (Writer/Artist)
* Best Writer
* Best Artist or Penciller
* Best Inker
* Best Letterer
* Best Colorist
* Best Cover Artist
* Best Series
* Best Single Issue or Story
* Best Original Graphic Novel
* Best Anthology
* Best Humor Comic
* Best Webcomic
* Best Humor Webcomic
* Best Non-fiction Comic Work
* Best Kids Comic or Graphic Novel
* Best Presentation in Design
Perennial Jury-Only Nomination
* The Mike Wieringo Spirit Award
Fan-Only Favorite Categories
* Favorite Hero
* Favorite Villain
* Favorite New Series
* Favorite New Talent
* Favorite Publisher
Hero Initiative Award (selected by the Hero Initiative)
* The Hero Initiative Lifetime Achievement Award
* The Dick Giordano Humanitarian Award