Title: Grimm Fairy Tales: Legacy # 1

Title: Grimm Fairy Tales: Legacy # 1
Publisher: Zenescope
Writer: Joe Brusha
Pencils: Ediano Silva
Colors: Ivan Numes
Letters: Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph Studios
Cover: David Finch with Ivan Nunes
Variant Covers: Eric Basaldua with Ula Mos, Greg Horn, Talent Caldwell with Ivan Nunes, Josh Burns
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.zenescope.com
Comments: The big bad wolf appears here and the illustration is breathtaking. As in it will steal your breath away. It is beautifully posed and the muscles are just right. The glowing eyes add a nice touch to add a frightening appearance to it. The claws and teeth will frighten you.
Syke Mathers is the new Guardian of the Nexus. Which means Guardian of the Earth to. She is impressive all dressed up in her outfit and using her sword and powers. The art shows off those powers magnificently.
The story though is hard to follow. Syke though does play the part of hero. More explanation is needed about her and how she became what she is. Plus about this werewolf.
At the back of the comic we get a recap of how Skye became as she is.
Skye is a beautiful woman who is going to save Earth from any and all supernatural attacks.

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