Title: Justice Inc The Avenger: Faces of Justice # 1
Publisher: Dynamite Comics
Written by: Kyle Higgins and Joe Gentile
Illustrated by: Alexandre Shibao
Colored by: Natalia Marques
Lettered by: Troy Peteri
Cover A by: Tom Mandrake and Wil Quintana
Cover B by: Alexandre Shibao
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
Website: www.dynamite.com
Comments: The FBI have the Avenger. He is accused of murdering a doctor. He has a team and they start to investigate. The Avenger meanwhile sits calmly answering questions.
No action, no good poses, little drama, the characters you get to know a little bit. The story does not set up for anything. The Avenger is left sitting in jail.
The issue needed more to happen in it. As the Avenger tries to prove his innocence hopefully next issue it will pick up.
The mystery of who the second person attacked is should be revealed next issue. The mystery here really does not help with the story.
This issue just needed more.