PUBLISHER: Image Comics
WRITER: Chad Bowers
COLORS: Juan Manuel Rodríguez
LETTERS: Rus Wooton
COVER: Jim Towe
PRICE: $3.99
WEBSITE: ImageComics.com
SUMMARY: END OF STORY ARC “REBORN,” Conclusion This is it: the pulse-pounding finale of REBORN! They had a plan: exploit the Youngblood name for media attention. But what began as a shrewd publicity stunt ends in catastrophe, with Youngbloods old and new fighting for their lives against an enemy none of them were prepared for and the American public waiting outside with stones in hand.
COMMENTS: For the most part this issue wraps up the storyline very well. We get a satisfactory conclusion to Badrock illness that has been killing him since issue one. The team was formed to find Man Up and we get some resolution there too. Diehard and Shaft are the other founding members of the team in this storyline and their fate is still somewhat a mystery which will lead into the second story arc. The fact that there is a second story arc on the horizon is also a plus. This storyline mixed in Youngblood members from many different eras of the series, into a fun new team. Everything that was ever fun about Youngblood was here and I am left looking forward to the next issue.